Finding Calm in the Chaos5am. After another broken night with both boys waking at various intervals my youngest now wakes me by prodding fingers in my eyes and up…Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021
Open Water Swimming… in London!I have lived in London for over 10years and not once did it cross my mind to swim in the capital’s murky waters.May 9, 20211May 9, 20211
Do it for youMy alarm went off at 6am and I wondered if I could pull my arm out from underneath the sleeping 16month old whom I had cuddled to sleep…May 5, 2021May 5, 2021
AK Fit ClubLast summer whilst I was searching for new and fun ways to get back into shape post baby; I had lost my motivation for the gym and wanted…Aug 19, 2019Aug 19, 2019
Can you Crossfit?A few months ago I did something that I have wanted to try for years but have always been to scared to… I went to Crossfit.Jan 7, 2019Jan 7, 2019
Published inMove It Like A MuthaReturning to WorkBefore I had children I always assumed that work would always be a vital part of my life, of my identity. Having worked in some form or…Dec 6, 2018Dec 6, 2018
Published inMove It Like A MuthaTaking Time to be GratefulA few years ago I was gifted a “Daily Greatness Journal” for Christmas, I had wanted one for a while after seeing my two sisters receive…Sep 18, 2018Sep 18, 2018
Published inMove It Like A MuthaMobility Style#ThisMuthaMoves Challenge Week 6Aug 13, 2018Aug 13, 2018
Published inMove It Like A MuthaMoveMutha Meets Calm MuthaI had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with Maria Banobre AKA Calm Mutha. Maria is a hypnobirthing teacher, post-natal doula and a life…Aug 7, 2018Aug 7, 2018
Published inMove It Like A MuthaMy Story So Far..I have always been into fitness and exercise but at the same time, like so many others, I struggled with consistency. Leading up to getting…Jun 26, 2018Jun 26, 2018